How To Cheat Death and Aging: Hormones, Peptides and Rapamycin with Dr. Rand McClain

Do you want to actually live longer but look like and feel like a kickass Rockstar in the process? In order to do that, you’re going to need some biohacks! You’re going to need hormones! You’re going to need a couple other things that we’re going to talk about in this episode with my guest, Dr. Rand McClain. He is America’s favorite Longevity Doctor!

Dr. Rand was a two time US Olympic water polo team member. He’s a prostate cancer survivor. He’s co-owner of California Restaurant kickass restaurant. He’s absolutely amazing and his knowledge is through the roof. So we are going to deep dive today and talk about his book Cheating Death and we’re going to also deep dive into the world of hormones!

You know, I love to get other people’s take on the importance of hormones & Dr. Rand will give us his take! We going to dive into Rapamycin, and peptides! Basically we’ll touch on all those things that you need to be looking at and implementing if you really don’t want to become just an old donut. If you want to be a kick ass rock star as you age, then you need to listen to Dr. Rand McClain!

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