Meet Dr. Rand McClain
They say that who you become in life is formed on the very foundation your parents built. To say that in my case would be an understatement. From the time that I was born, my parents instilled in me the motivation and values that made me who I am today. They taught me to never quit, to put all my energy into the people I love and the interests I enjoy, and more importantly, never be defined by my current situation, good or bad. Here they are in 1975, as happy, beautiful and in love as I remember them today.

Sports, competition, and the quest for winning were key building blocks in the core of my being. Sports performance in wrestling, water polo, swimming, boxing, kickboxing, bicycling, tennis and weightlifting instilled values in me in how to become a better individual, teammate, and partner in life. Here I am in 1980, playing water polo, a sport which took me to National level competition and success.1991
With all the gifts I’ve been given in life, nothing has given me more strength to cherish the bond that I have with my always and forever, Melanie. Everything I have achieved and continue to work towards in my life is done with the support and love of my wife.

Exploring acting and stuntwork presented a new challenge that took me around the world and really pushed me to discover other facets of myself. I discovered that my life didn’t need to be defined by past success and allowed me to honor what I already had achieved, and explore what the world could offer. Acting and stunts presented opportunities to meet many different types of people all over the world and introduced me to my passion for philanthropy. Filming Los Extermineitors – in Argentina with stunt coordinator and stuntman, Mike Kirton in 1992.2000
Parenthood changes a man, and it’s no different for me. The joys of growing boys to men and girls to women brings new opportunities and challenges for me personally. My drive to do better and be better today really comes from my wife Melanie and our children Georgia, Charlie, and Sam. Here I am with newly born Georgia Lee in 2000.

Striving to do what I can for others and becoming a doctor was a natural progression in my life. From working with a group of teammates to improving the lives of others, these things have always been in me and doing it as a doctor means I do it at the highest level I’m able to reach. Here I am at medical school graduation with my daughter, Georgia in 2007.2010
While I certainly live a purpose driven life, I try to slow down and enjoy the wonders this world has given us. Nothing is worth any of this if you aren’t there for those you love and experiencing things outside of our professional endeavors. Here I am with Melanie in 2010 with “Wowie” the dog at my parents’ home during summer. We always spent quite a bit of time together escaping our daily routines to ride our bicycles in the mountains and enjoy the scenery.

Acts of community service have always been at the core of my being. Being sworn in as a reserve Sergeant for Manzanita Police Force was one of the most memorable and important times in my life. Actively participating in numerous charities and Veterans’ affairs continues to feed my soul.2019
In the end, it’s all about leaving things better than they were before. My hope is that long after I am gone, my children are better people because of the hard work I put in, and that every patient I encounter leads a better life from the knowledge I was able to impart on them. This is really the measure of someone’s lifetime achievement. Having the ability to enrich others and propel them to achieve their goals, whatever that may be, is the greatest gift. Enjoying a proud dad moment with Melanie, and our son Charlie, who’s chasing his dreams and goals at Berkeley.
More About Dr. Rand
Though nutrition and wellness have been ingrained in Dr. Rand McClain since childhood, his journey to becoming a leader in alternative and progressive medical treatments has been anything but orthodox. From being the earliest promoted to senior account manager in Deloitte’s history at the time, to his stint as a professional kickboxer in Argentina, to being accepted to medical school at age 37 after being repeatedly told it was impossible, Dr. Rand has never been a fan of the “status quo”. Dr. Rand’s patients (many of which are A-List celebrities and world-class athletes) come to his practice, Regenerative and Sports Medicine, in search of the innovative treatments in which he specializes. From bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), hyperbaric oxygen therapy, cryotherapy, platelet rich plasma and stem cell therapies, Dr. Rand has dedicated the past 35 years to redefining what it means to be in optimal health.
Dr. McClain earned his medical degree at Western University and completed his internship at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine Residency Program (U.S.C. California Hospital) and has worked with some of the best and original innovators in Sports, Rejuvenative, Regenerative (“Anti-Aging”), Cosmetic and Family Medicine.