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A woman’s body can have distinct health needs that can differ from a man’s. Though there are matters that can also affect both males and females, sometimes even those effects can present differently on a woman.
Some areas of focus in women’s health include Menopause, Hormone Therapy, Osteoporosis, heart disease, fitness, nutrient status, weight management, and sexual health issues.
Female Sexual Dysfunction
Female sexual dysfunction can be an issue for women of all ages. The problem is made increasingly complicated as women are far more likely influenced by non-physical factors such as emotional intimacy and culture.
It is estimated that around 10% of women in the United States are living with Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD). Some health problems are easily identified and classified. However, that isn’t the case with FSD. There’s isn’t one specific symptom that can diagnose a woman with this condition. In the broadest of terms, women with FSD are those who are essentially dissatisfied with their sexual health for a number or reasons. Symptoms generally include: low sexual desire, trouble becoming aroused, trouble having an orgasm, and pain during sex.
Treatment options include topical formulas, hormone therapies, diet, exercise, and supplements.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a treatment for those with low levels of testosterone. At our clinic, we use injection therapy or creams to treat low testosterone in eligible patients. Women suffering from low levels of testosterone may experience muscle weakness, fatigue, trouble sleeping, weight gain, fertility issues, vaginal dryness, reduced sex drive, irregular menstrual cycles, loss of bone density, anxiety, and/or depression. Testosterone Replacement Therapy can help alleviate these issues.
Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapies include those that treat signs and symptoms associated with aging, Menopause, and Peri-Menopause. Lack of energy, decreased libido, decreased sense of well-being or frank depression, trouble sleeping, dry hair and skin, and changes in body composition (increased fat and decreased muscle) without change in habits are some common signs and symptoms of imbalance(s) in hormones.
Treatments can be administered using oral, topical and injectable forms and have been proven effective in restoring appearance, outlook and activity level to that once maintained in one’s 20′s, while decreasing risk for Coronary Heart Disease, Adult-Onset Diabetes, Colon Cancer, and Osteoporosis, and improving body composition and sexual function and libido.
For more information visit Regenerative & Sports Medicine.
Just as there are certain issues that affect only women, there are health problems specific to men. Low testosterone is one of these. Fitness, nutrient status, and weight management can also affect men differently. Another issue to look out for is sexual health.
Low Testosterone
As a male sex hormone, testosterone is primarily used for the development of male sex organs. In addition, it also serves other functions like bone and muscle development, mental health, and hair growth.
Some signs of low T consist of reduced sex drive, fewer spontaneous erections, erectile dysfunction, infertility, and low semen volume. Some nonsexual symptoms can include hair loss, chronic fatigue, reduced muscle mass, reduced bone mass, increased body fat, mood changes, and sleeping problems.
There are multiple forms of effective testosterone replacement therapy. Doctors can use patches, gels, creams, injections, pellets, and oral tablets to restore healthy testosterone levels. Injection therapies are considered the most effective, but they aren’t the only solution. One or two of these symptoms is nothing to worry about, but you should consider hormone testing at Regenerative and Sports Medicine in Los Angeles if you notice multiple symptoms.
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence or simply ED, is a condition where men can’t achieve or maintain an erection long enough to have sex.
There are a number of treatments available for the condition, including stem cells, peptides, homeopathic options, and lifestyle changes. Pills aren’t the only treatment option, though you should consult a doctor to determine what’s best for you.
For more information visit Regenerative & Sports Medicine.
Despite media claims to the contrary, sexual health is more complicated than resolution through taking a pill for erections (with no pharmacological “solutions” for women and a 30% failure rate for men). Cardiovascular health, fitness, mental health, nutrient status and hormone levels all influence sexual health of men and women. An evaluation of the cause of sexual dysfunction precedes any successful treatment designed to improve sexual function, libido, sensitivity, and ability to achieve orgasm. Once the source of dysfunction is determined, there are many treatment protocols that effectively assist men and women to improve sexual function and restore libido.
Nitric oxide precursors such as L-arginine, L-ornithine and L-citrulline alone, or, preferably, in conjunction with cardiovascular exercise, hormone balancing, and a diet that reduces glycation of proteins, can be used to correct erectile dysfunction. Similarly, with topical formulations and by making improvements in diet, exercise and hormonal balancing, women, too, can benefit with increased sensation and libido.
Procedures performed same-day and in-office using one’s body’s own growth factors, peptides and stem cells can now be used by men to reverse erectile dysfunction (ED) and increase penis size, and, for both men and women, to improve sensitivity, and for women, to improve bladder control.
For more information visit Regenerative & Sports Medicine.
Ketamine is considered a “dissociative” anesthetic, often used in children because of its safety. It has been used for sedation and pain relief as well, but more recently has received considerable attention for its off-label successful treatment of “treatment resistant” depression.
In addition to treating severe symptoms of depression, ketamine is being used to successfully treat PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and chronic anxiety disorders. Besides its relatively newfound efficacy in treating formerly treatment resistant aforementioned disorders safely and cheaply, much of the excitement surrounding ketamine use includes the ability to do so rapidly – usually within the first course of treatment, but most often within days or even hours. A typical course of treatment includes six 40-50 minute infusions of ketamine over 2-3 weeks. Maintenance treatment, if necessary, usually involves additional 40-50 minute infusions once every 3-4 weeks thereafter.
How does ketamine work? Scientists are still working to understand ketamine’s mechanisms of action, but the current research shows that it appears to work by not only nudging (NDMA antagonism) our consciousness out of its rut (“DMN” or Default Mode Network), but also by quickly restructuring the brain by enhancing the ability to create a new outlook through creation of new pathways of thought (increased neuronal plasticity and new synapses created in part via agonism of mTOR and BDNF). The research and results are a relief for a very large cross-section of the world’s population who suffer from intractable depression, anxiety and PTSD, and exciting because the mechanism by which ketamine appears to work is safe, simple and jibes with other research showing the partial or complete efficacy of other treatments that work via the same mechanism of action though often in all too slow a manner or without sufficient strength.
For more information visit Regenerative & Sports Medicine.
What is Testosterone?
Testosterone is the predominant male hormone and is responsible for the normal growth and development of the male sex organs, bone density, muscle mass, and is essential for health and well-being in men. Testosterone is produced in the testes, the reproductive glands that also produce sperm. It is also produced in smaller quantities within a woman’s ovaries. For women, testosterone works in tandem with estrogen. It affects fertility, sex drive, red blood cell production, muscle mass, fat distribution and human behaviors.
What are “Normal Levels” of Testosterone?
In healthy men, testosterone levels between 350 ng/dL and 1,000 ng/dL are referred to as normal. Normal physiology allows the brain and the testes to work together to keep testosterone in this range. In heathy women, testosterone levels between 15 ng/dL to 70 ng/dL are referred to as normal.
What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
Testosterone Replacement Therapy is the practice of diagnosing a person with low levels of testosterone and treating with injections, gels, patches, surgically implanted pellets or through oral applications. At our clinic, we use injection therapy or creams to treat low testosterone in eligible patients.
What are the benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy vary based upon the pre-therapy symptoms and other factors, but can include:
- Increased energy
- Decreased irritability and depression
- Improved muscle mass and strength
- Improved sexual desire
- Improved visuospatial cognitive function and verbal memory
- Higher motivation
- Decreased body fat (optimal results received through accompaniment of a diligent diet and exercise regimen)
- Possible improvement in erectile function
How do you determine if I have low testosterone?
To determine testosterone levels, our team will perform a simple blood test, the results of which you will know within a few days. If your total or free testosterone are not within the optimal range, you may be a candidate for treatment. Determining whether a patient is the right candidate for testosterone therapy is evaluated on a case by case basis by the medical professionals in conference with the patient.
What are the risks of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?
Although rare, there are some risks with Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). Some patients could experience the following side effects:
- TRT increases the volume of your prostate gland.
- Infertility – This is common particularly in young men, but usually reversible after stopping TRT.
- Sleep Apnea – This is a condition that disrupts breathing during sleep.
- Fluid Retention – Although uncommon, you must use caution if you have a history of heart failure or kidney disease.
- Acne, oily skin, increased body hair and flushing have also been reported.
What are the advantages of testosterone injections versus other replacement methods such as patches or gels?
The proper method of testosterone delivery for you is a matter for you and your physician to determine; however, many find that some gels and creams tend to be messy and less convenient than other treatment modalities. Testosterone injections can be more potent and fast-acting, due to their direct path to muscle tissues. Because the amount injected is controlled, you can also be more certain of the amount your body is absorbing. Unlike creams and gels, there is no dry time so you can immediately shower, exercise, or partake in sexual activities.
If I don’t treat my low testosterone what will happen?
Your testosterone levels will likely continue to decline over time and the severity of your symptoms will most likely continue to increase.
How does the process work for a typical patient?
The team at Regenerative & Sports Medicine offers a quick and easy way to diagnose and treat low testosterone. Talk with our team to start an initial consultation and simple blood test. If the results indicate low testosterone levels, we will discuss your individual treatment options.
For more information visit Regenerative & Sports Medicine.
The use of adult stem cells is one of the most promising areas of developing medical treatment. An adult stem cell (ASC) is a multipotent stem cell in adult humans that is used to replace cells that have died or lost function. It is an undifferentiated cell present in differentiated tissue. Nonsenescent ASC’s can renew themselves and can specialize to yield all cell types present in the tissue from which it originated including hematopoetic (blood), neural, endothelial, muscle, mesenchymal, gastrointestinal, and epidermal cells. Adult stem cells can be harvested from bone marrow, subcutaneous fat or blood. These adult stem cells can then be stored for future use and eventually reintroduced systemically (intravenously) or locally (inside a joint, e.g.) to treat a wide variety of ailments or to simply prevent diseases including aging. Adult stem cells can also be used for cosmetic purposes in topical formulations or as part of simple procedures to the appearance.
Regenerative and Sports Medicine and Rand McClain, D.O. are collaborating with American CryoStem (OTCQB:CRYO) and Personal Cell Sciences to advance the research, collection, banking and clinical use of ASC’s both in the United States and internationally.
Through their collaboration and the first approved IND (Innovative New Drug) application, Dr. McClain and American Cryostem doctor partners are currently slated to be the only physicians in the U.S. to legally offer ASC collection and treatment through either adipose tissue or blood (or both). In addition, Personal Cell Sciences, also offers a patented topical personalized cosmetic line containing regenerative and growth factors obtained from autologous mesenchymal ASC’s obtained from one’s own fat.
What Is Stem Cell Therapy?
A long history of the restorative power of stem cells
Much research has been conducted on the effectiveness of stem cell therapy in both chronic and acute diseases, as well as injury. Although research is ongoing, stem cells have been used in the clinical setting for over 40 years to treat diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma through bone marrow transplants. Stem cells are also being explored as a regenerative therapy for heart disease and are even being considered for the restoration of blood vessels.
But stem cells aren’t just used to treat disease. Professional athletes have been taking advantage of the effects of stem cells for years to treat sports-related injuries to the shoulder, knee and even neck.
Collecting your stem cells today could be the answer to certain healthcare issues that may arise in the future, especially if you have a family history of diabetes, cancer, or even heart or vascular disease (such as peripheral artery disease, aneurysm or blood clots).
Currently, there are close to 2,000 clinical trials registered in the United States investigating the potential of adult stem cells to treat a myriad of diseases. Researchers are learning more each day about how the restorative properties of stem cells may help in diabetes, heart and vascular disease, autoimmune diseases, organ regeneration and injured tissues, just to name a few.
There is potential for stem cells to treat many conditions:
Heart disease
Vascular disease
Autoimmune disease
Multiple sclerosis
Crohn’s disease
Nerve regeneration
Orthopedic repair
Alzheimer’s disease
Wound healing
Burn healing
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
For more information visit Regenerative & Sports Medicine.
Sports injuries are commonly caused by overuse, direct impact, or the application of force that is greater than the body part can structurally withstand. There are two kinds of sports injuries: acute and chronic. An acute injury is one that occurs suddenly, such as a sprained ankle caused by an awkward landing.
Repeated overuse of muscle groups or joints can cause chronic injuries. Poor technique and structural abnormalities can also contribute to the development of chronic injuries. Medical investigation of any sports injury is important, because you may be hurt more severely than you think. For example, what seems like an ankle sprain may actually be a bone fracture.
For more information visit Regenerative & Sports Medicine.
Cryotherapy, also known as “cold therapy,” is a technique where the body is exposed to extremely cold temperatures for several minutes. Extreme athletes have utilized this technique for years and is becoming popular for it’s powerful benefits.
By immersing the body in extremely cold air for several minutes, users of cyrotherapy have reported several major health benefits: pain management, workout recovery and weight management, mental well-being for migraines and mood disorders, and much more for whole body wellness.
For treatment, you would step into an enclosure that will drop to between negative 200–300°F and stay in this ultra-low temperature air for a max of 3 ½ minutes. Users can get benefits from just one session of cryotherapy, but it’s most effective when used regularly.
For more information visit Regenerative & Sports Medicine.
Intravenous therapy is a method to delivers liquid substances directly into a vein. By delivering supplements directly into your blood, we can supply medications and fluid replacement with the fastest method possible to circulate throughout the body. Since intravenous infusion typically only uses the pressure of gravity, these therapies are often called drips.
Replenish your body from the cellular level with IV therapy. Here are many of the benefits clients report after experiencing IV therapy:
- Improve athletic performance
- Immediately eliminate your hangover
- Effectively combat viral and bacterial illness such as the common cold
- Increase your energy and endurance
- Boost your immune system naturally
- Absorb 100% of the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and Amino acids
For more information visit Regenerative & Sports Medicine.
The next generation of “Anti-Aging” medicine will be centered in no small part in the evaluation and manipulation of the human genome and epigenome. The scientific community is currently mapping the human genome and determining its relationship, along with the relationship of the epigenome to the genome, to human health and anti-aging. In addition, the evaluation of whether or not certain drugs should be used to treat various pathologies now includes analysis of an individual’s genes to help assess potential efficacy.
Academia and private business are in the very early stages of developing relationships and legal definitions and regulations are currently evolving. A separate non-profit research company aligned with Regenerative and Sports Medicine is constantly monitoring advancements in genetic research, and, perhaps just as importantly, is navigating the laws that will enable us to make use of this research as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, we can currently evaluate certain parts of the genome, known as SNP’s (pronounced “snip’s”), Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms, for predispositions to certain conditions and disease states in order to develop medical strategies to compensate until such time as we can manipulate the genes themselves. It is now possible for anyone to obtain one’s entire genome map as well as any portion thereof and to use that information to medical and healthful advantage.
For more information visit Regenerative & Sports Medicine.