How to Add Years to Your Life w/ Dr. Rand McClain | Heal Thy Self
Special Guest Segment:
Introducing Rand McClain
Dr. Rand McClain, a world leader in longevity therapies & innovative anti-aging solutions, explains his ultimate pillars of living a long, healthy and fulfilling life, through cutting edge, scientifically-backed health and wellness practices.
- What is the #1 thing you need to be doing to live longer
- The Tripod of longevity
- Is Napping healthy?
- What are some of Rand’s major pillars for better sleep?
- Showering before bed, is it healthy?
- Eating late at night, what are the repercussions?
- Why do some people wake up through the night?
- The Importance of winding down for the night
- Major pillars of exercise
- Are HIIT workouts beneficial?
- Is just Cardio enough?
- Should more women be lifting weights?
- Muscle is synonymous with metabolism
- Foundational Nutrition
- Finding the diet that’s best for you
- Green tea, benefits and studies on health
- Turmeric and curcumin
- TOP five foods for longevity
- All about Cholesterol
- Supplements and Hacks for Longevity
- STEM cells
- Hot and Cold Therapy
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Being your own scientist to find what’s best for you
- All about Dr. Rand McClain’s Book: Cheating Death
Knowledge Bomb:
Dr. G gives us the TOP three easy and free ways to kickstart your emotional healing and feeling better in your body and mind.
- Three easy tips for healing repressed emotion
- Relaxing your belly
- Belly breathing
- Connecting with your body
- Identifying tension in the body
- Where are you holding emotion
- The body has the tools to heal
- Bringing awareness to tension in the body
- Connecting to the breath and voice